Ini hanya puisi "a poetry about poligami" bukan isi hati, hanya puisi !!! just for humor.
Oh istri pertamaku tunggulah aku,
aku akan segera menikahimu insya Allah jikalau kita
oh istri keduaku maafkan aku karena kau harus menunggu
tapi insya Allah aku akan menikahimu segera setelah
menikahi istri pertamaku,
oh istri ketigaku bersabarlah karena setelah menikahi
istri keduaku aku akan menikahimu, insya Allah
oh istri keempatku insya Allah aku akan menikahimu
setelah istri ketigaku kunikahi
oh istri istriku aku akan menikahi kalian dengan izin
Allah tentusaja dan pastinya dengan izin kalian pula
dan istri kelimaku aku hanya akan menikahimu jikalau ada
dari keempat istriku yang mendahuluiku menemui tuhan mu tuhan kita.
Oh wait for me my first wife,
I'm going to marry soon, God willing, if we affinity,
second wife oh I'm sorry you had to wait
but God willing, I'll marry soon after marrying my first wife,
oh please be patient as my third wife after marrying my second wife I will marry you, insha Allah
oh my fourth wife, God willing, I'll marry you after I married my third wife
wife oh my wife I will marry you with Allah's permission and of course with permission of course the guys anyway
fifth wife and I will only marry you if any of the four of my wife beat me see your god our god
author by OGIE
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